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For Veterans Living in Ventura County

Are you a veteran living in Ventura County? Please make sure you're aware of all the federal, state and local benefits you are eligible for. The County's Veteran Services Agency is a great resource to visit. You can access their website here:, and thank you for your service to our nation.

Gun Sale Ban at Ventura County Fairground Attacked by NRA

(SACRAMENTO) – A recently enacted law authored by Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D-Ventura) and Senator Monique Limon to restrict gun sales at the Ventura County Fairground has been challenged in court by the NRA.

Press Conference With Governor Newsom Concerning Gun Violence

"Unfortunately, the United States experiences far more gun violence per person than virtually every other modern industrialized country in the world," Said Bennett, "and what accounts for this? The United States has one of the most pervasive gun cultures in the world supported by a powerful gun lobby. It is time for each of us to play a role in changing this culture. I was honored to stand with my colleagues in support of a package of bills designed to do just that."

Passage of AB 2201

The passage of AB 2201 this week was a big win to protect water for disadvantaged communities.  Thank you to my colleagues for your support!