Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day
My office, in partnership with Coastal Keepers, invites you to The Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day.
Saturday, September 21
8:45 a.m. - 12 p.m.
End of Perkins Rd. (Heading south on Perkins Rd., past McWane Blvd.)
Oxnard, CA
Wear closed-toe shoes and sun protection (hat, sunblock). We highly recommend bringing your own gloves and reusable water bottle. You can sign a volunteer waiver online or on-site the day of.
Come with friends and family to clean up the beach, discuss relevant legislation and give back to our public lands. We will be cleaning the Ormond Lagoon area. For more information on this coastal cleanup site, please visit the Ventura County Coastal Cleanup website. Find your nearest cleanup location.
Please call Michelle Sevilla, Director of Communications, at (805) 485-4745 ext. 10638 if you have any questions.