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2022 Legislation

AB 649 Cal Recycle - Creates an Environmental Justice and Tribal relations position at CalRecycle.

AB 661 Recycling Material - Requires state agencies adhere to a recycled products standard for contracts between state agencies and vendors.

AB 1051 Foster Youth Presumptive Transfer - Requires counties to maintain responsibility for a foster youth whenever they are transferred to a different county for specialty services, unless the foster youth is going to be permanently moved to the new county, or the transfer of responsibility would result in better care.

AB 1206 Community Land Trust Welfare Exemption - Allows non-profit affordable housing cooperatives, where residents receive a small ownership stake in the cooperative, to obtain a welfare (property tax) exemption. This bill would also exempt affordable housing cooperatives from property tax reassessment and would allow residents of community land trusts to maintain their existing welfare exemption if their income rises to 140% of the area median income.

AB 1369 Buy Clean CA - Expands current Buy Clean CA program to cover carpet, carpet tiles, ceiling tiles, gypsum board, and other items. Additionally, this bill provides discretion to the Department of General Services to add new materials and further reduce the allowable global warming potential of products.

AB 1734 Breweries and Wineries - Allow multiple license holders, under identical ownership, to sell their beer and wine products at the same location.

AB 1769 Gun Shows - Prohibits gun shows at the Ventura County Fairground.

AB 1789 California Trails Commission - creates the California Trails Commission and grant program to fund the restoration of hiking trails across the state.

AB 1849 Initiatives Definitions - Defines “corporations” in the Constitution as those required to file incorporation papers with the Secretary of State.

AB 1865 Court Fee Waivers - Waives court fees in water rights cases in counter suits.

AB 2023 Jail Discharge Plans - Requires the creation and filing of a discharge plan for every inmate released from County Jail in order to ensure wrap-around services.

AB 2109 Sharks - Prohibits the use of attractants and decoys, for the purpose of amusement.

AB 2160 Coastal Development Permits - allows the California Coastal Commission to waive or reduce the fees they charge for coastal development permits after seeking a waiver or reduction from a local permitting agency.

AB 2201 Water Rights - Allows Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) to approve new well that are consistent with the GSA’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).

AB 2532 Scoping Plan - AB 32 established a 5-year scoping plan process by CARB to recommend ways the State could reduce GHG emissions and reach our carbon reduction goals and specifically recommends actions for various Departments and Agencies to take to address Climate Change. This bill would require public posting of the implementation of the recommendations.  Postings would be on the agency/department’s website, standardized in format and cost effective. Annual reporting on their websites should increase the focus of each Department and Agency on the suggested actions identified in the Scoping Plan, while increasing the sense of accountability to, and oversight by, the Legislature and the public.

AB 2562 Hydrogen Highway - Using existing funding and infrastructure from the Clean Transportation Program, this bill would establish a preference for hydrogen fueling stations at ports and along highways where goods and freight move predominantly.

AB 2579 Foster Care - Establishes a statewide program of Early Family Finding and Engagement, administered by county child welfare agencies, to identify family and family-like connections for children in foster care.

AB 2582 Local Recall Elections - Standardizes local recall elections by requiring the ballot to ask only if the official should be recalled. If the recall is successful, then the seat is treated as vacant and filled in whatever means the charter or local law allows.

AB 2811 Recycled Water Use in New Commercial Buildings - Requires all new large-scale commercial construction to have rainwater capture and recycling onsite, and requires that non-residential buildings install pipes to transport recycled water.