(SACRAMENTO) – Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D-Ventura) and representatives from Draughtsman Aleworks in Goleta announced legislation today to assist breweries with duplicative licensing requirements.
(SACRAMENTO) –Assemblymembers Steve Bennett (D-Ventura), Robert Rivas (D-Holister) and Senator Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara), introduced legislation today to establish a state-wide grant program for counties to create farmworker resource centers.
(SACRAMENTO) –Newly elected Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D-Ventura) introduced legislation today to modernize open court proceedings by requiring courts to provide remote access for the public and media.
Steve Bennett (D-Santa Barbara) took the oath of office to serve as the Assemblymember for the 37thAssembly District today in a special ceremony at the California State Capitol. The oath was administered by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. The 37th Assembly district incorporates the communities in southern Santa Barbara County and western Ventura County.
“I am honored and humbled to represent the people of the 37th Assembly District in Sacramento,” said Bennett
Steve has served his community in many roles including as a Ventura County Supervisor. He has dedicated his public service career to protecting our quality of life, including local natural areas, open spaces, and addressing climate change.
As Supervisor, he coauthored the Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources (SOAR) initiatives to protect open spaces from encroaching Los Angeles-style urban sprawl, and passed laws to stop oil companies and other corporate polluters from contaminating our air, land, drinking water and beaches. He has secured funding to make sure firefighters have the resources they need and open a homeless shelter. Steve was also an economics teacher at Nordhoff High School in Ojai and has 20-years of experience in local education.
Steve has an Honors degree in economics from Brown University and received his Master’s in Education from Butler University. He currently lives in Ventura with his wife Leslie.
Learn more about Assemblymember Bennett’s background and legislative priorities on the most recent episode of the Look West podcast.